9 Smart Tips for Homework Success
Help kids manage their homework load with these strategies.
Class Size Matters
Compelling evidence demonstrates that reducing class size, particularly for younger children, has a positive effect on student achievement overall and an especially significant impact on the education of disadvantaged children.
10 Ways Parents Can Support Reading at Home
Learning to read is a vital skill. A child’s literacy success or failure can affect his or her life for decades. Research shows that compared to proficient readers, students who don’t read proficiently by third grade are four times more likely to leave high school without a diploma.
Understandably, schools prioritize literacy among nearly all other skills.
Want to Boost Math Learning? Show Students the Wrong Answers
Introducing new math concepts via already-worked examples can give students a significant boost in learning. But choosing the right problems makes a big difference.
10 Reasons Why Reading is Important for Kids Development
Reading is the secret to inculcating knowledge that can help you through difficult choices in life and expand your imaginative skills largely. The importance of reading for kids cannot be underplayed, as it lays the foundation for cognitive development and significantly improves their language and vocabulary development. You may have to get your child excited about reading so that the process becomes fun for them.
5 Tips for Improving Students’ Success in Math
Teachers who coach teams in a mathematical modeling challenge share ideas for helping students develop more confidence.
As a parent, you may not be unfamiliar with reading resolutions. We all want to help our children grow, and one of the best ways to nurture their innate curiosity and imagination is through reading books. To raise a reader is to invest in your little one’s worldview, teaching them the beauty of our planet, and helping them find their own place in our amazingly diverse world.
15 Best Math Apps for Kids That Engage and Boost Learning
21st century education is changing rapidly and educators around the world are having to adapt — especially with regard to using technology in the classroom. Naturally, teachers and parents alike are wondering: What are the best math apps for kids?
School tips for kids with IEPs
With the first day of school looming, some of us are beginning to feel the nerves of preparing our kids for another “first day of school”. Here are a few general tips to help students ease back in to school year on a positive foot, many of which are helpful for ALL students.
LD and the arts
Participating in the arts can help kids with learning disabilities discover dynamic new ways of learning.